Friday, October 7, 2011

Living Visible - Learning to Live After Abuse and Trauma: Can Christians Hear Voices of Demons?

Living Visible - Learning to Live After Abuse and Trauma: Can Christians Hear Voices of Demons?

I believe that Christian can and do hear the voices of Demons parading as the voice of Lord. If a Christian is not willing to believe that not every voice he hears is not God, he will be open to being deceived by these same demons to do and say things that are not in line with the will of God. This can be because the Christian is not truly saved, or because he has a spirit of rebellion that makes him think that the voice he hears, is the voice that lines up with his own will, not the Lords. I can attest to this because back when I was a new Christian I too, believed that every time I heard this voice, it was the Lords. I ended up doing things that God never had intended for me. I couldn't believe that this God who love me, would allow me to do things that weren't in His will. I now realize that this was false doctrine that I had picked up in a religious organization. I also began to realize that depression and lust, the traumas that I had endured as a child because of sexual and parental abuse opened doors to these demons as well. The religious organization only exacerbated these demons. I began to experience deep depression that would last for weeks, sometimes months. I had also developed a serious case of lust that became much worse. It wasn't until I left the church and all of its false doctrines, that God gave me the desire to search for someone who was inspired by the Holy Spirit to aid in my healing. This is how I came to know Pamela Sheppard. After counseling with her for awhile, I began to see that my whole Christian life was built on certain doctrinal lies that held me in bondage to these demonic entities that fed off my depression and lust. God then delivered me from these demons because Pamela knew that they were hiding in my emotions, and actually had become part of my personality. Because of this, I have been free from depression and lust for over 2 years now. If you suffer from trauma that has stemmed from false religions, sexual abuse or depression, it is my belief that you do not have to live in it for the rest of your life. There is hope for you to be healed and whole.
If God is no respecter of persons, what He did for me, He will also do for you if you will just be obedient to His will. If this speaks to you and you feel that God is calling you out to a life of freedom in the Holy this link